Experience Sauna

What is Fire & Ice Sauna? How does it work? What are the benefits?

Fire & Ice Sauna: A Unique Wellness Experience

What is Fire & Ice Sauna?

A Fire & Ice Sauna offers a transformative wellness experience that combines the invigorating benefits of heat and cold therapy. It typically involves a heated sauna environment followed by an immediate plunge into cold water. This contrast between extreme temperatures is believed to offer numerous physical and mental health benefits.


How does it work?

The Fire & Ice Sauna experience involves cycling between the hot sauna and cold plunge. The intense heat of the sauna causes your body to sweat and detoxify, while the cold plunge invigorates your senses and promotes circulation. This alternating exposure to hot and cold temperatures is thought to stimulate the body's natural healing processes.

Benefits of Fire & Ice Sauna: